Coca-Cola has been quenching our thirst for over 130 years now. It came into existence in the year 1886, irrespective of this the company keeps using various inventive mediums and methods to popularise the brand. However, established the brand is, it is still imperative to implement the use of eye-catching out-of-home advertising in order to engage onlookers. With a diverse and eclectic range of out-of-home campaigns, they have not only attracted passersby but also have been successful in creating a buzz. The advertising strategy increased the number of on-lookers as well as increased the sales of their product.
Pollution Absorbing Billboard Created to Advertise Coca-Cola:First Ever 3D Robotic Billboard Installed By Coca-Cola to Advertise:
Refresh with Coca-Cola Campaign Used Big straws On a Building:
Coca-Cola Markets Itself With a Vending Machine That Yielded Free Coke When Hugged Tightly:
Garden Created in The Form of a Coke Bottle To Advertise:
Share Your Coke Story Campaign by Coca-Cola to Promote Itself:
Truck With Interactive Billboard Used to Popularise Coke:
Bus Shelter Turned Into Digital Campaign for Coca-Cola:
Coca-Cola Celebrated its 125th Anniversary By Illuminating a Building with Digital Signage:
Big Straw With Ladder Used to Promote Coke: