Continuing our efforts to keep the industry stakeholders updated, we have this specific and the most important section that entails company or individual-specific articles about their respective diversification, expansion, acquisition, award/reward from a recognised authority, big order, new business scheme, event, business upset, new product, appointment, recognition etc. It’s an important part of our mission to keep our readers updated and enable them to take informed business decisions.

Now, advertising on the underbelly of Aeroplanes – Inurface Media’s out of the box thinking

When it comes to advertising ideas, the sky is the limit it seems. And, enough is enough, a lot of concepts are/were being introduced in the field of advertising … on the ground. But how about adver...

Sanchi Printer, the first PSP to install Canopus’s Industrial High-Speed Solvent Printer

Nanded based Sanchi Printer, owned by Rajendra Kumar P Shelke, is the first PSP  to install Canopus CP-3204 Plus Industrial High-Speed Solvent Printer. Sanchi Printer, established in 2010, is engaged...

3M to increase safety and visibility in 100 school zones in 23 countries by 2024.

Road traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for children and older worldwide, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  So, 3M has announced its commitment to ...

Kiosks & sales outlets to be put up at railway stations under ‘One Station One Product’ project

Indian Railways have unveiled  their ‘One Station One Product’ concept. The project aims to encourage indigenous and specialised products and crafts of India by providing display and sale outlets...

Daktronics’s 8mm Billboard gives unique experiences for viewers at West Hollywood

Daktronics of Brookings, in conjunction with Consumer Experience Group (CEG), has designed, manufactured and installed a new LED billboard in West Hollywood, California, USA.  The unique pole displ...

Delhi Metro installs 400 Signages at 158 stations with Improvised Information

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (DMRCL) is undertaking the installation of the special kind of combined information signages at its Phase I & II Metro stations and also on all Interchange sta...