Category: billboards

How Smart Billboards are Going to Bring About a Revolution?
Billboards are a requisite when it comes to advertising. Generally, the billboard is a static picture with a slogan or some other words on it, or maybe a sort of revolving picture in a more dynamic ve

Inventive & LED Powered Human Billboard
In case you are looking for a unique and interesting way for human billboard branding, then you should definitely try new ways of walking with Illuminated Signage for an unhindered attention of your

10 Inventive Ways Used by Coca Cola, the Soft Drink Giant to Advertise
Coca-Cola has been quenching our thirst for over 130 years now. It came into existence in the year 1886, irrespective of this the company keeps using various inventive mediums and methods to popularis

3 Unique Outdoor Campaigns by Amazon to Promote Itself
3 Unique Outdoor Campaigns by Amazon to Promote Itself
Amazon has been doing exceptionally well in the market. The credit definitely goes to their inventive outdoor campaigns coupled with business str

Top 4 Trending Outdoor Advertising Medium in India
In the era of hectic schedules and short attention span, it is quite important to promote your brand, products, or services in an effective way. Well, today, you have multiple outdoor advertising medi
Top 5 out of home advertising Trends
The out of home advertising has transformed the face of outdoor advertising all together. The popularity of OOH has evolved, whilst other ways have struggled. OOH, and digital advertising have combine