Clear Channel Sweden collaborated with the local government to start an OOH campaign in an effort to direct Stockholm’s homeless
population towards shelter during the harsh cold winter months. The digital billboards that are already installed all around the city were used to swap their usual advertising content with information and directions to the nearest shelters, helping the city’s most vulnerable homeless people.
Fifty three existing billboards were programmed by the Clear Channel to automatically swap advertisements with directions to shelters when temperatures hit -7 degrees Celsius or below. The initiative was targeted at areas where most of the city’s homeless were gathered by using the location data in order to provide accurate navigation.
If the temperature reached critical point, information was displayed about how people can donate their time or important items such as blanket and food. The unique initiative raised awareness and also enhanced the reach of the project. The project was aimed to make a real difference and helped provide a solution to the growing number of homeless people in Europe. The campaign was introduced in December and continued till the end of January.