Category: OOH

Mini Starts a New OOH Campaign Which Taps Contextual Data Insights for an Effective Creative
Mini Australia launched a latest digital OOH campaign utilizing a combination of geographic and contextual data sets in order to deliver a more dynamically targeted content to consumers.
The latest ca

How a PUG is creating a buzz as OOH campaign
Three Mobile were vying to create and generate a unique and engaging OOH campaign surrounding their latest ‘Puggerfly’ character. Working with Limited Space, Three installed a giant 3D model of th

Samsung Uses The tallest Building to Defy Limits of Out of Home (OOH) Advertising
Taking a monumental stance literally, Samsung Electronics, pushed the boundaries of conventional OOH advertising campaigns and marketing with a spell bounding showcase at the world’s tallest build

3 Trends in OOH Advertising
OOH Advertising has transitioned over the years. With people spending more and more time outside their home they hold utmost importance in advertising. Scroll down to uncover the 3 latest trends in ad

2 Unique Interactive Digital Signage Campaigns
In the current scenario, interactive and engaging OOH campaign billboards are a great driving force in increased sales and popularity of a product/ brand. Scroll down to uncover 2 interesting campaig
Top 5 out of home advertising Trends
The out of home advertising has transformed the face of outdoor advertising all together. The popularity of OOH has evolved, whilst other ways have struggled. OOH, and digital advertising have combine