Category: Digital billboards

Five Points about Billboard Extensions Which Will help you Understand Them Better!
Out-of-home advertising is the most classical way of marketing. With people spending more and more time outside their homes due to work travel or being stuck in traffic, OOH has turned into a very eff
How Samsung Advertised by Installing Massive Billboards at Different Locations across the World
The Samsung’s new Galaxy S9 has attracted worldwide attention since its March launch. Also, it is known that out-of-home campaign plays an integral role in driving sales as well as targeting custome

How LEGO’S Billboard is Attracting Onlookers?
LEGO is a line of plastic construction toys that are manufactured by The LEGO Group, which is based in Billund, Denmark. Recently, in an innovative billboard campaign, Lego is promoting its Star Wars-

2 Big Mistakes to Avoid While Designing a Billboard Flex Banner
Billboards are one of the most popular and an effective form of advertising. Billboard flex banner design plays an integral role in marketing. Scroll down to uncover 2 big mistakes which are usually s

2 Brilliant & Inventive OOH Campaign Using Premium Cars
OOH and Billboard certainly yields positive results when it comes to advertising. Moreover, if you are implementing the use of premium luxury cars then it is surely going to increase your brand awaren

7 Creative Ways Used by Netflix to Advertise Itself
Netflix is the World’s leading subscription service for watching TV episodes and movies. It is one the most popular and leading Internet television network with over 117 million members in over