
OOH advertising- The History Of Out Of Home Advertising
OOH advertising or commonly known as OOH is something we cannot ignore. There are billboards which are fetching and unique in uncountable ways. However, OOH advertising can trace its lineage back to the earliest civilizations. Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians used tall stone obelisks to publicize laws and treaties. Albeit modes of advertising have [Read More]

8 helpful tips on getting interactive out of home (OOH) advertising!
People these days spend more time outside their homes. Moreover, the attention span of on-lookers is decreasing tremendously. Keeping that in mind, advertising has undergone a change which is focused to draw more on-lookers. In the recent years, there has been a rise in interactive out of home (OOH) advertising campaigns all over the world [Read More]

Your Billboard Designs: Analyse Before You Build!
Billboard advertising has been an integral part of the advertising world. In the current fast paced world one has got only 6 seconds to say something memorable or make a lasting impression. Billboards have to be designed in such a way that they are attractive enough to hold the attention of on-lookers. Commuters who pass [Read More]
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