Sharadha Radium, Warangal, has bought Roland RF640 about six months ago, exclusively to print stickers for Autos in the city. The company is engaged in making vinyl stickers, reflective stickers, nameplates, etc. Its owner, Praveen, has been in this business for nearly a decade. He also has a Solvent sticker printing machine and Roland RF 640 is a new addition to meet the workload.
Praveen says that Roland RF 640 is a good performance printer even at times of heavy workload. He happens to see such a machine working in Warangal and was quite attracted. He then decided to buy Roland printer and Apsom Infotex Sales team gave him proper guidance and later complete installation and training support. Today he feels satisfied with the performance of the printer and after-sales service of the Apsom Infotex team. “The printer completely serves my purpose as I can deliver quality stickers in the shortest time.”
Apsom Infotex is the master distributor to leading global brands in the Large Format Digital Inkjet print markets. The Roland VersaEXPRESS RF-640 is said to be a high production speed, ease of use printer. The RF-640 prints high-quality graphics and prints with vibrant colours with sharp details and can be used for printing Photorealistic designs up to 1440 dpi. An automated cleaning function also minimises ink usage and prolongs print head life. The printer is fitted with an 8-channel print head with mirrored CMYKKYMC configuration to reduce static and enable high-quality printing.