Today is 8th March, a day dedicated to Women’s World, in the form of the United Nations’ International Women’s Day celebrations. This year’s theme is: “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”.
According to the UN’s official statement, the year 2022 is pivotal for achieving gender equality in the context of climate change and environmental and disaster risk reduction. It is felt that without gender equality today, a sustainable future, and an equal future, remains beyond our reach. This year’s IWD observance is in recognition and celebration of the women and girls, and to honour their leadership and contribution towards a sustainable future.
Anybody visiting a print exhibition, that includes media and signage, would notice that there is less percentage of women visitors. And, also there is hardly any women professional or entrepreneur, owning or running a print industry business, be it machines or materials or print service. What it reflects is that the signage and printing sector is still dominated by men.
Sign & POP magazine editorial team could identify four women professionals in the signage sector who are being featured in this issue.